Latino LiteratureUse your BPL ecard
The 105,598 pages of fiction and poetry representing Chicano culture and the various ethnicities of Latin American writers working in the United States, together with over 450 plays Latino Literature is the most comprehensive collection yet created for students and scholars working in this field.
Although the collection includes materials from the 19th century, the vast majority of works are from the period spanning the Chicano Renaissance to the present day. They have been painstakingly licensed from estates, authors, and archives. We present them in their original language, English or Spanish. In cases where authors produced a version of a text in each language, both versions are included. Roughly 30% of the database is made up of previously unpublished or rare materials from various sources, including institutions like the Centro de Estudios Puertorriqueños at Hunter College, scholars' personal archives, and the authors themselves.
The three major groups are represented-Chicanos, Puerto Ricans, and Cubans-as well as Argentineans, Dominicans, and other Central and South Americans. Through their writings the authors included in the collection represent different immigration experiences, their efforts to adapt to a new culture and language without losing their own, and the struggle to pursue social, political, and economic advancement.