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The A.E. Studzinski Library: Open Educational Resources [OER]

St. John's Preparatory School, Danvers, MA

#GoOpen Initiative [FACULTY RESOURCE]

"Statewide #GoOpen initiatives are committed to supporting school districts and educators as they transition to the use of high-quality, openly-licensed educational resources in their schools.

#GoOpen States:

  • Adopt/Implement a statewide technology strategy that includes the use of openly licensed resources as a central component.
  • Develop and maintain a statewide repository solution for openly licensed resources.
  • Develop the technical capability to publish OER to the Learning Registry.
  • Participate in a community of practice with other #GoOpen states and districts to share learning resources and professional development resources.
  • Create a webpage to share the commitment to #GoOpen and document the state’s progress."


Open Educational Resources [OER}

OER Commons Curated Collections

How to use OER Commons

How to use Groups at OER Commons

Common Lit Book Pairings